Useful Contacts
Useful Contacts
Please find below some useful contact details. If you would like to suggest the contact details of an organisation that you feel it would be worthwhile including, please contact the Clerk on
Barrow Band
07973 417519
Barrow Bowls Club
07935 602011
Better Barrow Community Project
01469 530818
Brownies & Guides
01652 661144
Friends of Barrow School
07894 981957
Gardening Club (Thornton Curtis WI)
01469 531805
Knit & Natter
01469 208401
Ladies Probus Club
01469 530071
01469 530656
Methodist Church
01469 530960
Monday Club
07484 707245
Pigeon Club
07712 656970
07894 806133
WEA Local History Group
01469 531003
WI (Madame Marmalades) Barrow
07970 805125
Anglian Water (emergencies)
08457 145145
Humberside Police
Non-emergencies 101
British Gas (emergencies)
0800 111999
Electricity (emergencies)
0800 375675
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